I am an Odd Fellow
I believe in the Fatherhood of God‚ and the Brotherhood of man. I believe in Friendship‚ Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind. I believe my home‚ my church or temple‚ my lodge and my community deserve my best work‚ my modest pride‚ my earnest faith‚ my deepest loyalty‚ as I perform my duty to visit the sick‚ relieve the distressed‚ bury the dead and educate the orphan and as I work with others to build a better world‚ because‚ in spirit and truth‚ I am and must always be‚ grateful to my Creator‚ faithful to my country and fraternal to my fellow-man.
I am an Odd Fellow
Friendship - A noble sentiment and one that well deserves the exhaled rank which Odd Fellowship assigns to it.
Brotherly Love - By frequently meeting together in friendly association, the members of our fraternity become mutually interested in the welfare of each other.
Universal Love - Odd Fellowship seeks to impress upon mankind the great principle of that Universal Love which goes behind the distinction of sect, party, and narration, recognizes all men as brethren, and bids us to do unto others as we would that they should do unto us.
Benevolence - This is the source of all good actions. The man of benevolence feels for the woes of all mankind. His heart is open, tender, sympathetic.
Truth - Truth is the treasure for which the candid mind ever seeks. It is the sanction of every appeal that is made for the good and the right.
Covenants - In Odd Fellowship, our covenants are Friendship, Love, Truth, and etc., which we have all entered into for our mutual relief and protection.
Temperance - Our laws consider drunkenness as the vilest and most pernicious of all vices.
Learn More About the Founder, Thomas Wildey:
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We love to sponsor relief projects, grants and loans to our Educational Foundation, environmental projects, homes for the elderly and more. Check to see what the Leesport Odd Fellows & Rebekahs are up to!
About Us
Odd Fellowship is the strongest fraternal society on the contingent and a great world-wide united brotherhood. It’s a fraternity founded on the basis of universal brotherhood and based on the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
Contact us
Send Mail To: 27 Railroad Avenue PO Box 278 Leesport PA 19533
Phone: 610-926-9099